Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Worship: Saturdays 4PM Sundays 9AM Tue, 28 May 2024 13:51:21 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Good Shepherd Lutheran Church 32 32 164222073 From Pastor Garth, May 2024 Sat, 25 May 2024 11:00:11 +0000 Grace & Peace to you all from God our Father and our Lord and savior Jesus

Christ with the Holy Spirit!

This past month we have been unpacking the 50 days after Jesus’ resurrection, walking with the disciples from their disbelief to shock and awe to delight in the miracle. While exploring this in our Gospel readings we have also seen the bold movements of the disciples sharing the good news of this risen messiah and savior. Yet our season of Easter is rapidly coming to an end and the season of Pentecost will soon be upon us as the Holy Spirit is upon us now.

For many the season after Pentecost is “the season where nothing happens”, everything in the sanctuary turns green. School lets out, vacations start and that’s the end of the Church story until we reconvene in the autumn for a good old fashioned reformation party. Yet the season after Pentecost is not the end of the story but in many ways the beginning. There is so much of not only the Jesus story but Israel’s story, the Church’s story and of course our own story which will take place in the “Season of green”. The reason we put up green after Pentecost is to represent the growing and thriving, we undergo in this season. Because the Church is about, if nothing else, growth in Christ with the Holy Spirit. Most of Jesus’ teachings and miracles, we will learn about in this season. Likewise, we will hear more from Israel’s prophets, hear the voice of God and of course, continue to grow as a Church ourselves.

But first, we need to approach Pentecost. I encourage the entirety of our Church to still center themselves on the resurrection of Christ, understanding this is the pillar upon which our faith rests. Yet our faith is only made possible by the gift of the Holy Spirit which is the great helper. In preparing to celebrate the gift of God’s Spirit I ask everybody to consider. Where do you need help from the Holy Spirit? Where do you need a friend in your spiritual walk? A companion in your journey. Ask yourself and then ask God, because all good parents know what their child needs before they even ask. I know I never know what I need the first time I consider it. Figuring out what you need help with is half the battle. So I encourage you all, in this season bridging Easter and the season of Pentecost.

Think of the liberation of the Resurrection and also ask yourself how “the Helper” can be there for you. What is God drawing you to this season? And as always, ask your neighbor how you can help them with a Christlike Love.

May God bless you all.

Yours in Christ,
Pr Garth Olsen

2024 WORSHIP TIMES Sun, 28 Jan 2024 14:00:58 +0000

Saturdays  Quiet Worship with Holy Communion at 4:00


Sundays Worship with Holy Communion at 9:00 am in the sanctuary or watch livestream on our Facebook page (link below)

***Be sure to check our Facebook where changes may be posted quicker***

All are welcome!

Outreach Wed, 03 Jan 2024 17:35:17 +0000
Food Pantry Items 

There are baskets in the narthex to receive donations for the NECC Food Pantry.  Favorites of the patrons are canned fruits and vegetables, boxed cereals, cake mixes, peanut butter and jelly, spaghetti, sauce, jello & pudding mixes and hearty soups/stews, etc.

The pantry also has a special request.  They are in desperate need of feminine hygiene products as well as toiletries for both men and women.

Cleaning supplies are also in need.


The Northeast Community Center will be filling plastic Easter Eggs for their clients.  Please drop your donations off in the collections box.


Many thanks to all who make donations and to the group of volunteers who pick up and deliver our donations to the pantry every week.

Many Thanks!

Sunday School Schedule Mon, 01 Jan 2024 13:31:26 +0000

Sunday School meets on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month beginning at 9am.  We currently have 3 classrooms:
Pre-K-1st grade: Christine Agrippino,
Grades 2-3: Amy & Glenn Riemenschneider
Grades 5-7: Gretchen Sutcliffe

Any children in these age groups are invited to join a class on any given Sunday.

All children in grades K-6 are welcome!

]]> 3028 From the Council President Sat, 25 Nov 2023 16:58:09 +0000

Dear Fellow Church Members,

There is so much to be grateful for as a congregation right now. We welcome our new members enthusiastically. Our Lenten season has been wonderful with fellowship at our Wednesday night soup suppers followed by Holden Evening Prayer. Our lease with Meals on Wheels is renewed, allowing our building to help support their mission.  And, we thank everyone who has helped make all these things happen.

After Easter, we will be planning a spring work day and some additional fun activities.

In Peace,
Lindsey Stoppacher, Council President

Good Shepherd Book Club Tue, 17 Oct 2023 14:18:27 +0000


On June 11 we will gather to discuss

The Maid
by Nita Prose

All are welcome!
