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Worship and Music

Our choirs, both vocal and bell, are open to all. Young instrumentalists often join us with their talents. Our worship is enriched by those who serve as readers, ushers, worship assistants (serving Communion), and acolytes.

Faith Formation

We offer support for growth in faith for families and individuals from our staffed nursery to Adult Forum, Bible Studies, and Book Club. Adults and youth alike are invited to participate in mission trips. Our young people and their adult leaders attend the National Youth Gatherings.


Learning to be good stewards of our personal resource of time, talent, and treasure, and of the gift of the building and beautiful grounds that have been passed on to us to be used in God’s mission for the church.


Ongoing food, clothing, bedding, and toiletry collections; support for our refugee families; adult mission trips; Crop Walk; Souper Bowl of Caring; intergenerational events, and a beautiful community garden.


Pastoral visitors and spiritual care are part of this ministry, as well as coffee hours, breakfasts, special celebrations, and movie nights